Supreme Lawn Installation

The Artificial Lawn Company team were tasked with transforming this customer’s back garden in Greater London from a constantly muddy mess into a lusciously green haven.

The main problem the customer faced was that the garden would only see a limited amount of sunlight. As a result, maintaining a natural lawn was almost impossible despite their best efforts.

Our team removed the existing pavement slabs, installed metal edging for a neat finish and created a flower bed before the laying of our Supreme Lawn. As you can see, the results speak for themselves.

squared garden with artificial grass

The Problem

For this installation, the main issue with the current garden was the lack of light in the area, meaning that the grass did not grow, despite minimal footfall in the area.

This meant that the area was constantly muddy when it rained, very unpleasant to the eye, and not ideal for pets. The customer had tried re-turfing and seeding before opting for the fake grass. Unfortunately both these solutions failed.

The Solution

For the best possible finish and because of the lovely flora growing on the fences, we recommended our Supreme Lawn as it is the most realistic and would fit in perfectly to the garden, especially with flower beds.

Because of the size of the area (just over 4m wide) and the current flower bed, Artificial Lawn Company also recommended the use of our metal edging to keep the current flower bed. From this, we were able to create a saving by using a single roll of grass and avoiding a join (keeping the width under 4m).

before of small garden with paving stones
squared garden with artificial grass before of small garden with paving stones

The Method

We followed our standard installation process, whereby our team removed and disposed of the existing grass before continuing to:

The Process

For this installation, the main issue for us was the access to the area as there was no easy parking space and lots of steps. This makes no difference to the customer but just shows that most jobs can be completed, no matter the difficulties.

This was a standard installation except for a few variations. The existing slabs had to be removed. Metal edging was installed for a neater finish against the fence and to create a flower bed and retain the subbase of the artificial grass. There were also a couple of manholes within the area which needed levelling. The customer opted for the grass to be finished over the top of them and an access hole cut into the grass should they need them.

The Result

The finished result, in this case, is the perfect central London garden with a small flower bed for some planting and a beautiful realistic lawn that will fool guests. A vast improvement from the large concrete slabs and muddy mess that was there previously.

Despite the surrounding ivy and trees, the customer benefits from a low-maintenance garden requiring little more than a brush now and then to remove the debris from the lawn.

If you would like some more information on our Supreme Lawn solution or any of the other products and services offered by Artificial Lawn Company, please get in contact with a member of our team today.

squared garden with artificial grass
