School Play Lawn Installation

This school based in Tilbury, Essex, had a nursery area which required a much-needed upgrade. It had old concrete plinths, weedy, muddy grass, and paving slabs. It was quite unsafe for a lot of activities due to all of the mud, mess, and hard standing areas.

We installed a 60m2 play area using our incredibly tough 35mm Play Lawn. This gave the school a brand-new nursery area with a safe, soft-cushioned feel underneath, perfect for all aspects of play. The school has had a canopy put up over the top of the area, making it perfect throughout the year.

artificial play lawn in school

The Problem

This school area had previously been a small nursery area with some sheds on top of the concrete areas. They were now looking to make the area larger and safer by removing the concrete and paving.

They also wanted to make the area useable year-round, so they opted for artificial grass to be mud and mess free with low maintenance.

As the area was for smaller children, they also wanted it to be soft underneath and safe for any trips and falls, so they opted for a safety underlay as well.

The Solution

We installed a 60m2 artificial grass area using our Play Lawn with our 18mm Lawnflex underlay underneath to replace the natural grass, concrete, and slabs there previously.

artificial play lawn in school

The Method

It was a standard installation process with a few extras. The natural grass area, paving slabs, and concrete were removed. A blinding layer of crushed granite, geotextile, and our 18mm Lawnflex underlay were installed, and then we laid the grass on top. We added kiln dried sand infill and secured the lawn with 6-inch steel pins along the edges, as well as a polyurethane adhesive to the Lawnflex underlay.

The Result

The finished result is a super safe play area which is soft underneath but that is extra durable and maintenance free thanks to our 35mm Play Lawn. The area is now useable for all manner of activities, no matter the weather.

artificial play lawn in school
