Luxury Lawn Installation

The Artificial Lawn Company team carried out our largest project of 2020 in Bromley, Kent, for a retired couple that wanted to revamp their tired-looking garden with a low-maintenance solution, allowing them to enjoy their twilight years without worrying about mowing such a steep gradient.

Our Luxury Lawn range was chosen as the solution which, as you can see, brought a new lease of life into their outside space that patch-filled grass could never quite manage. Apart from the use of a digger use to decrease the gradient, this was a standard installation carried out by our professional team.

Luxury lawn installation on sloped back garden

The Problem

This installation was one of our largest in 2020 and had several problems.

The grass had become patchy and dead in many places, leading to an unsightly look. They had tried all the usual seeding and re-turfing, but it struggled to grow with the high amount of light and all of the conifers planted along the fencing.

The couple were also retired and looking for a low-maintenance solution to prevent all of the mowing and seeding required to keep it looking perfect. They also needed the bank reduced in gradient to make it easier to traverse; as it was, it was very difficult when it needed mowing as it was so steep. The garden also had many gradients to work, too, as the house is on a hill and these would need to be graded for a neat finish. The front part of the lawn also had a few manholes which would need to be worked around as well.

Another unique issue was that badgers burrowed into the bank frequently. Many years ago, they had a chain-link fence installed in the middle of the bank that would need to be navigated..

The Solution

For the best possible finish, we recommended our Luxury Lawn as it would look amazing and vibrant across the lawn area. It is also highly durable, so minimal maintenance is required as it will stay upright for a long time.

For the neatest possible finish, the laying of the grass was designed to all be facing in the same direction right the way around the side of the house. This made the joins seamless and made for spectacular results.

The gradient of the bank would be reduced for easier access for the homeowners. Metal edging was also installed to border the flower beds to prevent extra debris getting on the lawn for that low-maintenance finish. To make sure the grass does not move over time, across all of the sloping areas the grass was laid running down the slopes and also fastened to timber batons on the steepest parts. For the manholes, they would be covered and access flaps cut into them in case they were needed in the future.

Before of sloped garden with brown grass
Luxury artificial lawn installation next to aggregates in garden before artificial grass installation in front garden

The Method

We followed our standard installation process, whereby our team removed and disposed of the existing grass before continuing to:

The Process

This was a standard installation except for a few variations. We used a digger to reduce the gradient of the bank and make it more traversable. This meant removing the badger-preventing chain-link fence within it, and then having to re-install it after the levelling was complete.

To add some extra detail, we installed metal edgings to create a border for the small conifers planted along the edge of the front garden portion of the installation. We finished this with some plum slate to complement the bright luxury lawn.

We also installed metal edging in the back garden area to border the flower beds and to prevent debris getting onto the lawn.

Extra fastening was required on the steepest parts to prevent the grass slipping. This entailed adding in timber batons on the slopes and tacking the grass down to them, as well as our usual 6-inch steel pins.

Final Result?

The finished result is a pristine and beautiful lawn spanning along the side of the house. The plum slate and small conifers add extra detail to the front garden, and the contours and gradients give the lawn a natural look. There was certainly some very jealous neighbours once this installation was completed, and no more mowing on that awkward bank for the couple so they could spend more time relaxing.

For more information on how the Artificial Lawn Company team can transform your garden space, please get in touch with us today and we will walk you through the options open to you.

Luxury lawn installation on sloped back garden
